Look and Feel your Best at Every Age

Look and Feel your Best at Every Age

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Asia Pacific is the fastest aging region in the world. By 2050, older persons aged 60 and above will make up 24 percent of the population in Asia, outnumbering adolescents and youths between the ages of 10 to 24 by 2.1 billion to 2.0 billion, and this includes many of you in your 30s today.

While growing older is inevitable, the increased discomfort that comes with aging is not. With advancements in science and nutrition, more people have come to realize that the reductions in bodily functions and mobility experienced by some can be prevented or delayed by making positive changes to your lifestyle earlier on in life.

According to Herbalife Nutrition’s 2018 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey, 81 percent of the respondents believe they can age healthily by making better nutrition choices, and 75 percent said this can be achieved through regular physical activity.

So kickstart your healthy aging journey today with The Ultimate Guide: Look and Feel Your Best at Every Age. Featuring 7 positive lifestyle habits to help you make the most of your lives in your 30s, 40s and beyond, we strongly encourage you to try them out, and share these positive habits with your friends and family so that more can benefit from healthy living further into their golden years.

Here are the 7 Positive Lifestyle Habits for Healthy Aging:


Our body’s bone mass peaks in our 30s and 40s, before we start to lose calcium and other minerals naturally. This is especially true for women after menopause, who will experience a rapid decline in bone loss in their latter years.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 53 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about bone-related issues as they age.

Bone Health Tips For Healthy Aging:

Maintain healthy bones early by incorporating strength training and weight-bearing exercises into your routine.

Consume high-calcium foods such as milk or soy beans.

Include Herbalife Nutrition Xtra-Cal into your diet, which contains Vitamin D and Magnesium to aid calcium absorption and utilization for your body.


While age-related factors may contribute to degenerative changes in our joints, taking active steps to preserve our joints can go a long way to help maintain our mobility functions and joint comfort as we age.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 53 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about joint-related issues as they age.

Joint Health Tips For Healthy Aging:

Incorporate flexibility and stretching exercises into your daily routine.

Support healthy joint function with Herbalife Nutrition Joint Support Advanced, which contains glucosamine and is a good source of minerals to support your body’s defences.


One of the first signs of aging is the reduced ability to see things clearly up close – a condition called presbyopia. Taking charge of your eye health early can play a key role to supporting a healthy vision as you age.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 46 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about eye-related issues as they age.

Eye Health Tips For Healthy Aging:

Wear sunglasses to prevent eye damage.

Take a break from your devices every 30 minutes and focus your eyes on a faraway object.

Replenish lutein in the eye through foods such as spinach, kale, carrots, broccoli, eggs, red and yellow peppers, corn and tomatoes.

Support your eye health with Herbalife Nutrition Ocular Defence, which provides antioxidant lutein and eye-specific nutrition from vitamins A, C and E plus selenium.


Our heart is at the center of everything that gives our body life. From the transportation of oxygen to the success of the immune system, maintaining a healthy heart is vital for our overall well-being as we age.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 45 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about heart-related issues as they age.

Heart Health Tips For Healthy Aging:

Avoid smoking.

Engage in cardio exercises at least three times a week.

Maintain a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, nuts, fish, soy protein and fiber.

Incorporate heart healthy supplements such as Herbalife Nutrition Herbalifeline and Tri-Shield to optimize Omega-3 rich fatty acids, and Herbalife Nutrition Niteworks to support your bodies’ natural production of Nitric Oxide to improve overall cardiovascular function.


Our digestive tract contributes to our well-being by absorbing nutrients and eliminating waste. Unfortunately, many people suffer from abdominal discomfort and other digestive issues, and that may increase as we age.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 29 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about their digestive health as they age.

Digestive Health Tips For Healthy Aging:

Eat regular meals.

Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Avoid foods that are high in fat, instead, add more colorful fruits and vegetables to your plate.

Adults should consumer around 30 grams of fiber a day and incorporate Herbalife Nutrition Simply Probiotic and Herbalife Nutrition Active Fibre Complex to aid digestion.


Beyond preserving our physical health, maintaining our mental health is also vital in keeping dementia at bay while enabling a more fulfilling life as we age.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 44 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about brain-related issues as they age.

Mental Health Tips For Healthy Aging:

Keep your mind active by engaging in activities you enjoy.

Spend time in nature, pursue a new hobby, learn a skill or take up music classes.

Get enough sleep to improve focus and concentration and reduce stress levels.


As metabolism slows with age, maintaining a healthy weight becomes a persistent challenge. By exercising regularly, this will help to increase metabolism and build muscle mass, burning more calories to maintain a healthy weight.

According to the Herbalife Nutrition’s 2017 Asia Pacific Healthy Aging Survey4, 28 percent of Asia Pacific consumers are concerned about age-related weight gain. By exercising regularly, this will help to increase metabolism.

Exercise Tips For Healthy Aging:

Build a regular exercise plan with activities you enjoy.

Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intense physical activity each day.

Reward yourself when you achieve your fitness goals to keep you fresh and motivated.