Gen Z Shopping Trends: Price Prevails, Quality Judged by Reviews

Gen Z Shopping Trends: Price Prevails, Quality Judged by Reviews

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As Gen Z increasingly dominates the consumer landscape, businesses must ask themselves: Do they truly understand the priorities of this new generation of shoppers? What factors most influence their purchasing decisions?

A recent study by the award-winning PR agency Comm&Sense Inc., titled “Common Ground: Pinoy Voices in New Media,” surveyed 400 Filipino Gen Z individuals aged 16 to 26 nationwide to uncover their top priorities when purchasing products and services.

The findings show that price and discounts are the leading factors influencing Gen Z’s purchasing decisions, closely followed by product quality. However, the way Gen Z evaluates quality reflects their distinct preferences and values.

Rather than relying solely on reviews from previous buyers on shopping apps, Gen Z places greater importance on reviews found through Google and other search engines. This preference suggests that they trust broader, more public opinions over platform-specific feedback.

Dr. Fernando Paragas, a professor at the University of the Philippines Diliman’s College of Mass Communication and lead researcher of the study explained, “This preference for search engine reviews over app-specific reviews underscores the importance of comprehensive, easily accessible information in shaping Gen Z’s perception of product quality.”

Comm&Sense Managing Director Charlotte F. Reyes stressed the critical need for businesses to adapt their strategies to effectively connect with the digital-native Gen Z audience.

“To effectively reach Gen Z, businesses must focus on being transparent and visible online,” Reyes said. “They are a generation that seeks out information widely, so having a strong digital presence and fostering trust through unbiased reviews is crucial.”

Comm&Sense, a distinguished PR agency founded in 2005, is recognized for its #IntelligentPR approach, which combines data-driven insights with intuitive storytelling to create impactful narratives that resonate and deliver results. This framework has earned the firm numerous awards, including consistent nominations for Agency of the Year over the past five years.